How to Find Higher Spaces

We’re so happy you are coming to see us. This guide is designed to help you park and locate the office space as easily as possible.


Car Park


Safe and secure parking located at:
Address: 677 Victoria St Abbotsford VIC 3067
0-2 Hours – $4.00
2-3 Hours – $6.00
3-4 Hours – $7.00
4-5 Hours – $8.00
Daily – $9.00
Overnight – $4.00
Lost Ticket – $120.00

Address: 620 Victoria St, Richmond VIC 3121
Pricing: Hourly from: $1.00

How to Locate The Office



Unit 5 (River Room)

  • If you are parking at Victoria Gardens Richmond over the road is 663 Lifestyle Portraits (Says Alma out the front)
  • Follow the directions in the photos below

Unit 14 (Digital Room)

  • Follow the directions in the photos to get to Unit 14

You can download PDF version from the link here: How to find Higher Spaces

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